RP's Stuff and Things...

The spot for my online journal entries. Be forwarned that I am a Christian and am the founder of the Christian Paintball Players Association, and I may have to rant now and again. Please keep in mind, though that these are my personal thoughts and opinions, and do not represent "Christianity", The COGOP denomination which I am a member, my local church, or the CPPA.

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Location: Norwalk, Iowa, United States

Friday, July 30, 2004

Spam (the canned meat) and Christianity...

Over at paintmagazine.com forums, there was a couple threads int eh off-topic forum that was pro and anti-Spam (the canned meat, not unsolicited emails etc).  I was on the pro side.  Mostly because I like Spam, but fr other reasons as well.

One of my main reasons why I defended it so veheminantly is that it is the coincidental analagy with much of life and Christianity, more specificaly.

So many people want to "ride the bandwagon", and not find out for themselves; and that it is one of my "pet-peves".  There are far too many "Christians" with that same mindset/paradigm.  someone (pastor, preacher, teacher etc.) tells them (preaching, sermon, teaching etc.) something, and they don't even bother to even read it in teh Bible (assuming they even use the Bible), let alone study it out for themselves, to agree or disagree.

I know that some do this; a friend of mine who goes by a nickname of Crime Dog is a good example. I know he tried Spam, and whether or not he liked it is a moot point.  the point is that he did what he needed to, so he could know for himself.  I know this also to be true in his Christian walk.

There are those that say that Spam looks or smells bad, so it must be, and never try it, even though many hundreds of thousands of people actually like it.  following my analagous logic, it also follows that there are people that will take some doctrines of Christianity and say that they look or smell bad, so they won't even "try" (research for themselves) them, and their mind is closed to the subject from then on.

I am not saying that we should "try" every religious doctrine whether "Christian" or not.  What I am saying is that within our "Christianity", we sometimes get so closed minded that we don't even consider what else might be.  Part of this is actually following along with that pastor or teacher when they are presenting something to us, and use your God-given brain.  :)

I may not be very clear in this semi-rant.  However I do think that we wold all be much better off if we "Christians" would not jsut follow the leader.  again, I am not saying that we should doubt our leadership at all, but when it comes to my personal relationship with God, that leader isn't involved at all.  It isn't mis-trust, or even a lack of trust if you actually bring your Bible to church and use it outside of church.  It is something that most every clergey that I know of will encourage you to read, research and find for yourself.

enough for now.


Blogger Jarred said...

So very true! Of course, this isn't strictly a Christian problem. It seems that people in general have this nasty tendency to take another person's word for far too many things. It doesn't matter if it's what some religious leader says or the latest political buzz over a given book or movie. People are too quick to take whatever "authority" says at face value and not look into it for themselves.

I love reading your blog.

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow, I had missed this entry RP. Very good stuff, even if spam tastes nasty. ;)

4:32 AM  

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