RP's Stuff and Things...

The spot for my online journal entries. Be forwarned that I am a Christian and am the founder of the Christian Paintball Players Association, and I may have to rant now and again. Please keep in mind, though that these are my personal thoughts and opinions, and do not represent "Christianity", The COGOP denomination which I am a member, my local church, or the CPPA.

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Location: Norwalk, Iowa, United States

Friday, July 09, 2004

it's only been one day...

WOW. Only one day since my last post in here, adn yet, I feel the need to write even more!

Because I am so involved in the CPPA, that particular subject is comming up again (sorry). A bit of background about the CPPA forums first: The CPPA forums are "shared" on the Paintmagazine.com forums. They are marked as such and as I have posted previously, I moderate them and with a strickter/different personal guideline than the other Paintmagazine (and other) forums I mod.

Okay - here goes... Seems that there is a couple folks (non-Christian) that feel that it is their right and apparently their "calling" to post their opinions on the CPPA forums threads. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, the issue I have is that their posts are contoroversial and argument provoking.

I realize that "controversial and argument provoking" doesn't sound like a very definative or "bad" thing, but as founder of the CPPA and moderator of their forums, I am trying to establish more unity among the believers of the CPPA, and when these things come up, it only incites disharmony, and causes concentration on the little things that seperate.

I have emailed them in the past about their posts, but they insist on having a defined set of rules, or just ignore me. the problem is that they are not Christians and so saying that I am trying to promote unity doesn't mean anything to them. they feel that their logic and reason should prevail because they are right and we "religious" people are wasting our time with that religious stuff, because after all "we have evolved" past that need for the "religious crutch".

So, becase I delete posts and or threads, I am now called a "nazi", or that I am only there to spread propoganda, etc. Oh well, that really doesn't bother me so much as when they keep comming back and continue to cause disharmony. As I have said before, because of the goals and vision I have for the CPPA and my mod style, there has been a couple CPPA members that have quit the CPPA (though they still post in our forums for some reason).

It is interesting that we have other non-Christians that post and seem to "get it", while these don't. One particular person that is currently a professing (and practicing) "Pagan", and witch, seems to be one of the ones that does "get it" and his posts are respectful, understanding and though we don't agree with some things, they are posted in a way that is not argument provoking and disharmonious for teh rest of the CPPA/CHristians that are there.

Unfortunatley, this witch (said with respect and not disdain) seems to have more "Christian"-sense than some of the CHristians on the forums (not just the CPPA forums). I sometimes find myself praying that some of the Christian and non-CHristian posters would be more like him (at least in attitude, though not in theology).


Blogger Jarred said...

Okay, I'm going to do a bad thing. I'm going to be presumptuous and guess that you're talking about me. If I'm wrong, feel free to laugh at me and tell me to get over myself. ;) Having said that....

I really appreciate your kind words. They mean a lot for me. Especially since I was a bit concerned about my posts in the one thread (I believe you deleted it since yesterday evening, not that I blame you). That was one topic I can sometimes have a "hot topic button" over, I'm afraid to admit. So I worry about living up to your praises when it comes to that one thing.

9:43 AM  
Blogger RamboPreacher said...

Well, okay - you caught me. I tried to keep it anonymous. Thanks for your participation.

10:19 AM  

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