RP's Stuff and Things...

The spot for my online journal entries. Be forwarned that I am a Christian and am the founder of the Christian Paintball Players Association, and I may have to rant now and again. Please keep in mind, though that these are my personal thoughts and opinions, and do not represent "Christianity", The COGOP denomination which I am a member, my local church, or the CPPA.

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Location: Norwalk, Iowa, United States

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Independance day...

Fireworks. a traditional display of patriotism for Americans. This shot from my back yard was actually from a neighbors fireworks display a few blocks over. Sitting in the back yard on teh 4th pretty much gives us a free fireworks display, even though it is illegal to buy or use fireworks in Iowa. the locals apparentlyjust make an exception for this one day a year, unless there are reports of unsafety.

In any case, what I wanted to blog about today is "inspired" from a teeshirt I saw on the 4th when my wife and I went to the store that day to get me a tripod so I could take some pics of the fireworks (see above picture).

The teeshirt had a bunch of stuff on it and was hard to read, but the big words were "not Latino", "Not Hispanic", I'm Mexican. then something about that they arent' the foreigners, but that the white people are.

I have several comments to make about my inspiration. The first is that it may not be this way everywhere, but it is my personal experience that raceism is strongest not with the anglo-whites, but with just about every other color/nationality. America is a land of the "muts". I am an American, not a WASP (white, anglo saxon protestant). I have heritage from American Indian and from Europe. I love my country, and the freedoms and lack of some freedoms for personal security that are not found anywhere else.

The next point is that I am appauled at the people in politics and others that try to spin the illegal alien issue by calling them undocumented or what have you. I completely understand the desire for wanting to get in on teh "American dream". But there are rules and laws to be followed in order to be able to participate therein.

I have very little sympathy for those that wnat to come in, illegaly, and then use OUR (not their) system to get medical and social attentions. I Understand that not every case is cut and dry and black and white as far as choices and what to do. My challenge is that folks that wnat to REMAIN Mexican, just as an example, but still be "American". If you wnat to be American, shouldn't you want to be an American?

One of the more delicate issues of this topic I have a challenge with is the Illegals that also proclaim a beliefe in Christ, Christians. Ther is no holy war or directive from God that requires folks to move to America, so it must be a personal choice. That choice may be founded in difficulties and complicated events and circumstances, but it is a choice, nonetheless.

As a Christian, I find that I am obliged to follow the laws of the land (unless they are contrary to God's Word and edicts, which arent' happening, and part of the reason America is America). I don't understand why a Christian that is not American, would WANT to continue to be illegal, and not seek and do what's necessary to make the changes in their life to become an American. (I know some that have, and so I know it is possible). but sometimes they don't even WANT to. I heard one Christian say that they are Mexican and will always be Mexican. not that they had Mexican heritage, and not that they are from Mexico. they are Mexican and why should he have to learn English!?

Now, don't get me wrong, I completley understand heritage and not wanting to lose that heritage, INCLUDING language, but America is an English speaking nation. I have been personally working to learn Spanish. why? so that I can better communicate with my brothers and sisters in Christ that are Hispanic. As I said, I don't believe they should not speak their language at all.

In any case. I do not and will not prejudge a non-American as not Christian if they say they are and show the fruits of that salvation, though continue to be ilegal aliens in America. They are my brothers and Sisters. I just don't understand the logic or paradigm that doesn't seem to get them to desire to be legal, assuming they want to remain in America.

Maybe it is because of the recent work boycott by the illegals and their supporters. I dont' know, but when I saw that teeshirt, It angered me. This is America, we are a nation of muts and halfbreeds, and the refuse of the world. We have freedoms, and a lifestyle that reflects those freedoms. I don't always agree with every jot and tittle of every decree in politics, but this is my country and if I didn't want to live here and be American, I would not live here; I have that freedom. :)



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